miércoles, 30 de abril de 2008
My idea is that you can publish your personal profiles, instead of printing them and handing them in in class. Let´s join the tree-friendly revolution!
I will be the first one to publish mine. Hope you like it!
One more thing... I was wondering... What about including ONE false detail about us, then we will all try to discover ourselves up.
How? Easy...
1. Write your personal profile. Include a picture too.
2. Change one detail, e.g. "I can speak a little Japanese".
3. Publish it in this blog. If you are not an authorised author, e-mail me at: patricia.trost@gmail.com and I´ll send you an invitation.
4. Read your friends´ articles and in the comments section guess which could be the false fact.
Good luck, and try not to be discovered!
IMPORTANT: Please remember all the information you post in this blog will be available to any person surfing the internet so it would be wise and sensible NOT TO INCLUDE important details about you or your family here, such as your address or phone number. Just in case!
sábado, 19 de abril de 2008
Every morning of the week my father wake me up at 7:00 o'clock and I have breakfast with my sister very quickly because I woke up late and then my father or sometimes my mother takes us to school by car.
When I come back to home the Mondays and Thursdays, I eat something and I watch TV, then I take a shower and do my homework. At 8:30 o'clock I have dinner with my family and we talk a lott, but I watch my favourite tv program "Friends" too. Then I have a little of time to chat and surfing the NET, and I go to sleep at 11:30 o'clock.
In the other days, I don't go direct to home. For example, in Tuesday I go to hip hop classes after school. In Wednesday I go to "curso de madrijim" in Cissab and the Fridays fortunately we go out the school at 12:15 o'clock and I go to my grandmother's house to have lunch and then I go to "estiramiento"classes and singing classes and in the night always I go to the cinema with my friends.
At the weekend I go to the club and in the night I usually go out with my friends or sometimes I go out to dinner with my family. And every sunday night we have dinner with my other grandmother, my uncle and my cousins and always in my uncle's house because he coocks very well!
martes, 15 de abril de 2008
My Personal Profile
Hi! I'm Nicolas I'm 15 years old and I study in ORT school. My parent's names are Gabriel and Fabiana, I've two daughters, their names are Camila and Milena, I also have a dog called Urko.
Every morning I get up at around 6:20. I have breakfast, then I go to school to study.Three times a week I leave school at 5.30pm., Once a week at 4pm. and Once a week at 12.15.After school I go to my house.
In the afternoon, when I am in my house, I do my homework and I chatting a lot. On Tuesday and Thursday I go to Plantese Club to practice football and twice a week I go to Macabi to the Curso de Lideres.
On Saturday I play a football match and then I go to Curso de Lideres in San Miguel and every Sunday I go to my best friend's house.
I am Hernan Kripper, I live in Buenos Aires in Palermo. I have three brothers and a dog. His name is Flash
I go study to ort. At the morning I get up at ten to seven, then I have a breakfast and go to the school by the bus fifteen.
At the afternoon I do the homework watch tv, and sleep. then I eat with my family and watch tv.
finaly go to the bed at elven o clock.
At the weekends I relax and in sunday go to the club and play tennis with fiends and with my brother.
domingo, 13 de abril de 2008
My personal profile
Hi, my name is Micaela Malki and I'm 15 years old. I live in a house with my parents called Karina and Esteban and my 2 brothers, Tomas is 13 years old and Matias is 10 years old. I have a dog called Princesa and she is 1 year. I go to ORT and avery morning my mother wake me up very early. I have breakfast sometimes, and then my father hardly ever takes me at the school, or I go by bus. When I leave to school I go to the gym one hour and then have a shower, but before I see Casi Angeles, my favorite program from 6 o'clock to 7 o'clock. After that I do my homework or study for tests. When my father came back to my house we have dinner and then I go to sleep early because I'm very tired. Every Fridays we go to my grandmother's house and I see my cousins, uncles and aunts. On the weekend I go to the club and there I do hip hop and I play tennis too. Also I usually go to walk with my father to Palermo in he morning. At night I sometimes go to dance with my friends. |
sábado, 12 de abril de 2008

In the week I go to "Curso de Madrijim" and on Wednesday i go to dance classes.
On Saturday I go to "Dorja" with my friends and I enjoy it a lot. On Sunday I go out with my family or my friends, and I study when I have homework or tests.
jueves, 3 de abril de 2008
I’m Ilanit. I’m 14 years old and I live in a building on the 3rd floor with my parents Nora and Sergio and my brother Uriel.
I go to the High School Ort and this year I made new friends because my class is not the same as the last year.
Everyday I get up at 7 o’clock the same time as I’ve been doing since I’ve started the High School. Every morning I have my breakfast with my mum and after this she takes me to the school. When I come back to my home I do my homework or I watch TV and then I have a shower.
At night when my father comes from work we have dinner and we talk about our day. After that I give them a kiss and I go to sleep.
On the weekend I get up late, I review my agenda and if I don’t have to do anything, I go to Puerto Madero with my family and there we drink a coffee, we walk and then we eat a meat sandwich.
miércoles, 2 de abril de 2008
My personal profile
Every day a get up at 7' o clock, then I have breakfast and go to school by my father's car with my twin because the rest of the family gets up later.
After school I go to my house, and do the homework. On Wednesday, Friday and Saturday I go to Curso de Lideres in the club. I go the piano's class on tuesday, i love it!